
Chinese Paper cutting

Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular forms of visual art, and the history of it can be dated back to the 6th century. In the past, every girl was supposed to master it and brides were often judged by their skills. At present, paper-cut craftsmanship can only be seen mostly with countrywomen and girls.

Paper cuttings have different uses or purposes, and are mainly used as decorations, because they are usually made with red paper, which is the most popular and propitious color in Chinese culture, they can be used as an ornament in gates, windows, walls, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns. 

Because of the expression of wishes and hopes, paper cuttings are widely used today in some important festivals especially during New Year. It is very important to put paper-cuttings at the entrance gates for it brings good luck for the family. These paper-cuttings also serve as presents or as decorations on the gifts. Sometimes they can be used for religious purposes, served as decorations for sacrificial offerings to the ancestors or to the gods. Nowadays, these art works are often used as embroidery patterns for clothes and lacquer work.

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