
The 24 Solar Terms

The 24 Solar Terms
A solar term is any of 24 points in traditional East Asian lunisolar calendars that matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some natural phenomenon. The points are spaced 15° apart along the ecliptic and are used by lunisolar calendars to stay synchronized with the seasons. Solar terms originated in China, then spread to Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. This is exhibited by the fact that traditional Chinese, Hanja, and Kanji characters for most of the solar terms are identical.
Following is the Chinese name of 24 Solar Terms:
立春 ( Li Chun) the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term) Feb.3,4, or 5雨水 ( Yu Shui) Rain Water (2nd solar term) Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇 (Jing Zhe) the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term) Mar.5,6, or 7春分 (Chun Fen) the Spring Equinox (4th solar term) Mar.20,21 or 22清明 ( Qing Ming) Pure Brightness (5th solar term) Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨 (Gu Yu) Grain Rain (6th solar term) Apr.19,20 or 21立夏 (Li Xia) the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term) May 5,6 or 7小满 (Xiao Man) Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term) May 20,21 or 22芒种 ( Mang Zhong) Grain in Beard (9th solar term) Jun.5,6 or 7夏至 (Xia Zhi) the Summer Solstice (10th solar term) Jun.21 or 22小暑 (Xiao Shu) Lesser Heat (11th solar term) Jul.6,7 or 8大暑 ( Da Shu) Greater Heat (12th solar term) Jul.22,23 or 24立秋 (Li Qiu) the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term) Aug.7,8 or 9处暑 (Chu Shu) the End of Heat (14th solar term) Aug.22,23 or 24白露 (Bai Lu) White Dew (15th solar term) Sep.7,8 or 9秋分 (Qiu Fen) the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term) Sep.22,23 or 24寒露 (Han Lu) Cold Dew (17th solar term) Oct.8 or 9霜降 (Shuang Jiang) Frost's Descent (18th solar term) Oct.23 or 24立冬 (Li Dong) the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term) Nov.7 or 8小雪 (Xiao Xue) Lesser Snow (20th solar term) Nov.22 or 23大雪 (Da Xue) Greater Sonw (21th solar term) Dec.6,7 or 8冬至 (Dong Zhi) the Winter Solstice (22th solar term) Dec.21,22 or 23小寒 (Xiao Han) Lesser Cold (23th solar term) Jan.5,6 or 7大寒 (Da Han ) Greater Cold (24th solar term) Jan.20 or 2
And there is a song for remembering the 24 Solar Terms:   
chūn yǔ jīnɡ chūn qīnɡ ɡǔ tiān xià mǎn mánɡ xià shǔ xiānɡ lián 天,
qiū chù lù qiū hán shuānɡ jiànɡ dōnɡ xuě xuě dōnɡ xiǎo dà hán 降,

