
Learning Time Expressions

ActivityUse Authentic Materials—What Time Is It?
Language task: Tell time
         Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Use:     Class activity, homework assignment, assessment

Present authentic materials and ask students to tell the time; May use English materials first, then use Chinese materials.

Suggest materials for teaching time expressions ( most of the materials can be found online):
    City cultural events calendar;
    School events calendar;
    Historical events calendar
Time schedules:
    Bus, train, flight, schedules;
    Movie theater schedules

Preparation for the activity:
Print out authentic materials for class use.

Students may also list the birthdays of family members;
Have students make a calendar on a specific topic, such a “ Major Events Calendar.”

Analysis of the activity:
Gathering events and presenting time with a purpose makes learning meaningful;
Use of authentic materials in Chinese nurtures development of language proficiency in real-life situations;
Use the opportunity to make connections with Social Studies or current affairs.

