
Bai Tang, Sa Zhang, He Ji and Drinking Jiao Bei Wine

As the most important part of the wedding celebration, each family brings a length of silk and these are tied together to make a concentric knot. This is called the “leading scarf”. The bridegroom hangs one end of the scarf on his hand plate, while the bride holds the other end in her hand. The groom walks backwards, guiding the bride face to face, out of the room. After paying homage to the nuptial chamber. With their arms supported by the maids, the bride and the groom try to be the first to salute each other. After this, they sit on the edge of the bed, the bridge on the left, the groom on the right.

Women sprinkle coins and all kinds of died fruit and nuts around them. This is called sa zhang.

People bind together a stand of the groom’s hair on the left side of his head with that of the bridge on the right side. Both families offer bolts of silk, hairpins, and other decorations, for the head and put them together. This procedure is called he ji.

Afterwards, two tiny wine cups are tied together with a colorful with a colorful silk string and the newlyweds drink the wine together. This practice is called “drinking jiao bei wine”. Then they throw the cups and the decorated head-dresses undermeath the bed. If it happens that one cup faces upwards and the other downwards, it is regarded as auspicious and the wedding guests will congratulate them.



