
Deep in Water and Scorched in Fire

The State of Qi wnt on a punitive expedition against the State of Yan and triumphed over it.

King Xuan of the State of Qi asked Mencius, “ Some have advised me not to annex yan while others have insisted that I should. Consider now, it took a state with 10,000 chariots like ours only 50 days to beat another with the same number of chariots. This was something that could never have been achieved by human strength, it must have been the divine will. If I don’t annihilate Yan this time there will certainly be punishment from Heaver. What is your opinion?”

“If you carry out the annexation and the people of Yan are glad of it, then proceed,” replied Mencius. “There was one among the ancients who did the same thing and that was Emperor Wu. On the other hand, if you carry it out and they are not happy about it, then you’d better not. There was a similar case in ancient times and that was in Emperor Wen. When a powerful state has overwhelmed people come out to welcome the conquering army with food baskets and wine pots, it shows nothing but their eagerness to be relieved of the miseries they have long suffered under their own ruler. But, if stead you are going to plunge them deeper into the water and scorch them in a yet fiercer fire, it will only make the people turn away from you and look for help elsewhere.”


孟子回答说:“如果吞并燕国,当地百姓反而很高兴,那就吞并它。古人有这样做的。周武王便 是。如果吞并燕国,当地百姓并不高兴,那就不要吞并它。古人也有先例,周文王便是。一个拥有万乘的大国去攻打另一个拥有万乘的大国,老百姓拿着饭筐和酒壶 来迎接大王的军队,难道有别的用意吗?不过是想摆脱原先那种如在水火中一样的痛苦胜过。如果齐国进而吞并燕国,燕国百姓要蒙受比原来的水更深,比原来的火更热的灾难,那他们的情感必然会转向别的国家了。”


Learning Three Things by Asking One Question

Chen kang once asked Boyu: “ Has our teacher Confucius given you any special instruction?”

“No,” answered Kong Li. “ One day he was standing alone in the courtyard. When I passed by him, he stopped me and asked me whether I had learned The Book of Songs, and my reply was ‘ not yet’. Then he advised me, ‘ Without learning The Book of Songs, you will not be able to speak a refined language.’ So, I began reading The Book of Songs. On another day my father was standing in the courtyard without any of his disciples around when I passed by. Again he asked me whether I had learned The Book of Rites, and my answer was again ‘ no ’. As before, he admonished me, saying: ‘ Without reading The Book of Rites, you know not how to behave properly.’ As before, I listened to his advice and went back to read The Book of Rites. These were the only two things I have heard from my father.”

Hearing this, Chen Kang withdrew, feeling satisfied. He said: “ I have raised one question, but I have learnt three things- I am now aware that should learn The Book of Songs, read The Book of Rites and that a man of character like Confucius does not give special favour to his own son.”


陈亢伯鱼:“你在老师那里听到过什么特别的教诲吗?” 伯鱼回答说:“没有呀。有一次他独自站在堂上,我快步从庭里走过。他问:‘学《诗》了吗?’我回答说:‘没有。’他说:‘不学《诗》,就不懂得怎么说 话。’我回去就开始学习《诗》。又有一天,他又独自站在堂上,我快步从庭里走过,他说:‘学习《礼》了吗?’我回答说:‘没有。’他说:‘不学习《礼》就 不懂得怎样立身。’我回去就开始学习《礼》。我就听到过这两件事。”陈亢回去高兴地说:“我提一个问题,得到三方面的收获,听了关于《诗》的道理,听了关于《礼》的道理,又听了君子不偏爱自己儿子的道理。



One of the effective games---Fashion Show

In this game, students describe what a model is wearing. The description and presentation can be based on interpersonal interactions. The content of the game and activities are expandable.

Vocabulary: Clothing/Colors/Money
Grammar: Measure words/“是…的”structure/Exhange rates

Step 1: Warm-up activity
      Describe what you are wearing today by using:
      今天我穿了一件(一条/ 一双)…
Step 2: Have a student go before the class( or do a cat walk if the model so desires).
Step 3: Have another student describe what the model is wearing by using the same patterns above.

Go home and write the description down.

If you know how to say the price of the piece of clothing, add the price to the description.
Go to your closet and do a rough count: How many pieces of clothing are there?
How much are your possessions worth in total?
If you know the exchange rate and can do the math, how much is that in RMB? ( Possible byproducts: Gratefulness to your parents? Is it time to clean up your closet or your room?)
The activity may start with an interpersonal element, such as asking each other the price of their clothes before the fashion show begins.

It helps learners to identify Chinese words with their own lives.
It reinforces use of different measure words for different objects.
It creates situations to differentiate and identify items and give descriptive comments about thems.
It supports reviewing and lays ground for further learning.

Pingshu 评书

Pingshu (Popular Tales) is a quyi art form of oral storytelling and it includes its namesake which is popular in northern China and pinghua in eastern China’s Yangzhou.It developed into an independent art form in the early years of the Qing Dynasty (late 17th century). Though pingshu is performed orally, artists in the early period mainly hopped form the trade of changqu (melody singing), which shows the two forms’ close link.

The pingshu performer wore a gown and sat behind a table, with a folded fan and a gavel (serving as a prop to strike the table as a warning to the audience to be quiet or as a means of attracting attention in order to strengthen the effect of the performance, especially at the beginning or during intervals). By the mid 1920s, these props had all disappeared, with the performer appearing only in a standing position in a gown or any other kind of clothes.

The art of storytelling, with its broad mass appeal, resulted in the growth of other art porms, nurturing talented artists. Famous novels such as The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and serialized novels all emerged under the influence of the storytelling artists. Many great writers, in consequence, continued from there to tread the path of literature. It can be thus considered that the art of storytelling represented by pingshu or pinghua is one of the genres imbued with special Chinese characteristics and the richest colors of Chinese aesthetics.




Xiangsheng 相声

The earliest xiangsheng comedian known by name is Zhang Sanlu, who performed in the mid nineteenth century. After the widespread use of Mandarin from 1949, the popularity of xiangsheng increased throughout the People’s Republic of China. It is a standard feature of CCTV’s annual Spring Festival television program and other popular performing arts shows in China . Modern xiangsheng is made up of four skills-speaking, imitating, teasing, and singing.

Xiangsheng can be performed by one person( solo comic talk), two players (comic dialogue ), and three or more people( group cross-talk), with the comic dialogue by two players being the main form of performance. In a comic dialogue, as a rule, the leading actor, helped by the supporting actor, provokes laughter of the audience with funny remarks. Due to its humor, sarcasm and unique aesthetic effects, Xiangsheng has spread far and wide. Vernacular Xiangsheng or Xiangsheng performed in ethnic languages, such as Tibetan Xiangsheng, has appeared in remote regions and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. Furthermore, Xiangsheng has been introduced abroad and becomes popular in Southeast Asia including Burma, Singapore and Malaysia.



相声演员要达到高超的表演技能,一般需具备说、学、逗、唱四大基本功。“说”指的就是讲故事,还有说话和铺垫的方式。 “学”则指模仿各种人物、方言、和其他声音,学唱戏曲的名家名段,现代也有学唱歌,跳舞。 “逗”就是制造笑料。 而“唱”则经常被认为是唱戏,唱歌。随着相声的推广,相声不仅融入了现代的特色和风格,各地也盛行着以当地方言说的方言相声”。另外,相声还蜚声海外,尤其是东南亚的缅甸、新加坡、马来西亚等地,广受当地人的喜爱。


Watching the Tide

Watching the Tide

The tides rolling up the Qiantang River surge to their highest in the eighth lunar month. Starting on the 11th, city people come down to watch the flood tide. Between the 11th and the 18th, almost the entire city comes out. Crowds and carriages jam the streets. The spectacle reaches a climax on the 18th. House of two or more stories between Miaozitou and Liuhe Tower are rented by government officials and relatives of the emperor as galleries to watch the tide



Distributing Predestination Beans

On the eighth day the fourth lunar month, philanthropic people in cities go into the streets with several litres of green beans and yellow beans. They pinch each bean in turn and chant Buddha’s name. Afterwards they boil the beans and offer them to the passers-by. These beans are called “predestination beans”. They are believed to be able to prearrange favourable relationships in the next incarnation.

Prior to this date, people pinch the beans and chant Buddha’s name: one bean, one chant. Some are able to process a hundred litres of beans. On the eighth day of the fourth month, they cook the beans and distribute them to the other people who also chant Buddha’s name each time after eating a bean. Women who are snubbed by their mothers-in-law, or maids and concubines who fall out of favour with their masters of mistresses, will reprimand themselves by saying, “I am not welcome because I did not distribute beans in my former life”.




使用名词时需要注意的问题(一)-----Points that merit special attention

名词的复数和词尾“们”(The plural form of nouns and the suffix “们”)


Usually the singular and plural forms of a noun are identical and the plural is expressed in three ways:

1名词前边加数词和量词或其他表示复数的词。例如:(By premodifying numeral-measure words or other words implying the plural. For example:

三支铅笔          很多水果

十七个孩子        这些书

2、通过句子里其他成分来表示。例如:(By other elements in the sentence. For example:



3、词尾加“们”。指人的名词加“们”后,名词前边就不再用其他表示复数的词了。“们”读轻声。见下表例子:(By suffixing “” which is pronounced in the neutral tone to the noun. When thus used, no other words expressing the plural number can be used. For example:)


 三个同学们     (×)
几个同学们     (×)
很多同学们     (×)
不少同学们     (×)


Kicking Shuttlecock 踢毽子

Shuttlecock kicking, Ti Jian Zi, is a traditional popular folk game in China. Some records date its origin as far back as the Han Dynasty(206BC-220 AD), therefore Shuttlecock kicking was already very popular about 2000 years ago.

There are endless variations in terms of styles and methods of kicking just as long as the shuttlecock remains in the air. With one leg fixed on the ground, the shuttlecock is kicked by the inner ankle of the other. Some other styles include kicking the shuttlecock back and forth between two people. Those who advance to a high level of mastery can perform some truly impressive feats. The challenge of the increasingly difficult levels of shuttlecock kicking has made it a popular and timeless game among the Chinese children. This game helps people strengthen their legs and enhance their concentration.




Stilts-walking 踩高跷

Stilts-walkinga recreational activity in rural areas, combines dance, drama and physical agility. Using various props, performers play folk heroes or roles from popular dramas. How did Stilts-walking occurs, it is said in primitive society, people want to pick wild fruit on trees, but it is too high to get the fruit, so they tied a long stick on both legs.

 Stilts refer to a pair of long, slender poles each equipped with a raised footrest to enable the user to walk elevated above the ground, and there is an old custom called “walking on stilts”. It is a performance that employs two lengths of wooden sticks over three meters long to one’s feet and walking on them. It is said that there was once a man named Lanzi in the state of Song during the Spring and Autumn Period who entertained the first Song emperor with his feet of walking and running with two wooden poles taller than himself attached to his lower legs. In the Han Dynasty, stiltwalking, then called “stilts skill”, began to popularize among the public. In the Song Dynasty, it was changed to “stepping- stilts ”and the name “stilts-walking” was finally adopted in the Qing Dynasty. Through several thousand years of development, stilts-walking has greatly improved in style and become an important part of Chinese festive culture.



Lord Ye’s Love of the Dragon叶公好龙


Lord Ye’s Love of the Dragon

There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons very much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.

When the real dragon in heaven heard of this Lord Ye, he was deeply moved. He decided to visit Lord Ye and make a friend with him.

“Hi, Mr. Ye! Nice to meet you,” the real dragon came to visit Mr. But Ye was scared at the sight of the creature and ran away as fast as he could. “Oh, my God! Help! Help!” he runs and shouts.”From then on, people knew that Lord Ye only loved pictures or carvings that looked like dragons, but not the real thing.



The Guizhou Donkey Has Exhausted It's Tricks黔驴技穷


The Guizhou Donkey Has Exhausted It's Tricks

In ancient times there were no donkeys in Guizhou province. Somebody brought a donkey from somewhere and tied it to a tree at the foot of a mountain. A tiger saw the donkey, and thought that it must be a fearsome monster. It hide behind a tree and spied on the donkey. When the donkey brayed, the tiger was frightened, thinking that the donkey was about to devour it. After a while, seeing that the donkey had not moved, the tiger approached it and teased it. The donkey became angry, and kicked the tiger. The tiger thought to itself: “It then all it is capable of?" It then jumped on the donkey and ate it.

This idiom is used to mean that one has exhausted one's skills.




名词的用途 Chinese Grammar---Functions of Nouns


Normally a noun can serve as subject, object and attributive in a sentence.

(一)做主语 As the subject.

北京是中国的首都。     夏天热,冬天冷。

学生学习。             东边有一个商店。

(二)做宾语。As the object.

我看               现在是中午

你画画儿。             我们的学校在北边


(三)做定语。As an attributive.

这是中国画。           我喜欢春天的早晨。

汉语语法不太难。       衣服在左边的箱子里。


(四)做谓语。As the predicate.

今天晴天             昨天星期日