
The Birthday of Guanyin

Chinese Fold Customs--The Birthday of Guanyin

The nineteenth day of the second month of the lunar year is the birthday of Guanyin. On that day, young men and women gather to burn joss sticks and worship either in the temple hall or in the court area. Some offer oil for Guanyin’s ever-burning lamp and pray for health and peace; others offer long silk scrolls in the hope of bearing a son. If a son is born, the parents will put him under Guanyin’s lotus seat to prcclaim their faith in Buddhism and make the baby the adopted child of Guanyin. By doing so, they think Guanyin will bless the child with longevity. Monks and nuns set up assemblies in honor of Guanyn. The places of worship are solemn and grand. Incense and flowers are also offered to Guanyin.

Women eat a vegetarian diet from the first until the nineteenth of the second month., the birthday of Guanyin. This is called Guanyin’s vegetarian fast. This practice is observed again from 1st to 19th of the sixth and the ninth month in the lunar year.


夏历二月十九日是观音菩萨的生日。成双结对的男女聚集在佛寺的大殿或庭院中焚香礼拜。有的人送上佛像前长明灯的油,为了祈求 观音保佑他们平安健康;有的人供上长幡,据说因此可求子得子。生孩子的人,就到观音的莲座下表示依附归顺,让孩子做观音的义子,传说这样可保佑人长寿。和 尚尼姑所设立的观音会,道场气氛庄严,并有香和花来祭祀。

