
How do I conduct dictation effectively?

How do I conduct dictation effectively?

We conduct dictation almost daily to reinforce memorizing characters. There are several little tricks to make this routine more student-centered and engaging to achieve better results:

Encourage students to rehearse before the dictation to increase their confidence. Just a couple of minutes work wonders.

Ask the students what want to write first, so they fell more involved.

Always ask for all three elements associated with characters : sound ( pinyin ) meaning ( English), and shape ( character) so they develop the habit to associate the three aspects as a whole.

After dictation, ask the students to check each other’s work for mistakes, grade the dictation, and have the grader sign his or her name. The purpose is to reinforce memory of the characters, but it will be done in two ways: when checking another’s work for mistakes, the student will have one more chance to look at the characters; and when checking another’s work, the student will be more critical. They will look at the characters more carefully and more responsibly. (The teacher must recheck and regrade afterwards.)

