
Eating Rice Dumplings in the Dragon Boat Festival

In ancient times rice dumplings were made from broomcorn millet wrapped in gourd leaves. They had a horn shape like the heart of a palm leaf and were therefore called zong in Chinese, or sometimes, horned broomcorn. In modern times, these dumplings are made from glutinous rice. Now it is customary to exchange rice dumplings as a festival gift. Some say rice dumplings are made as sacrifices to Qu Yuan. People in the past made these dumplings and cast them into the water to feed the dragon.


“粽”通常写作“糉”。古代人们用葫芦的叶子裹着黄米煮熟,外形上有尖尖的角,像棕榈树的叶心的形状,所以称它为“粽子”,或叫“角黍”。近代大多用糯米做了。现代的习俗把粽子作为应节的物品,相互赠送,有人说是为了 屈原,做粽子投到江中,用它来喂蚊龙的。

